I was recently a guest on Flourish FM podcast. We discuss what I mean by the “modern brain” and all that it entails. We also discussed what the most common obstacles are for mental health and mental fitness and of course, touch on some of the nine tenets in my latest book, Healing the Modern Brain. I hope you give this episode a listen!
Check it out on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify.
[03:36] Mental fitness and health
[09:53] Mental fitness and modern challenges
[10:24] Modern mental health strategies
[19:04] Lifestyle medicine and self-awareness
[24:05] Connection and mental fitness
[31:18] Nature’s impact on mental health
[38:13] Hedonism vs. Eudaimonia
[45:07] Dopamine and pleasure balance
[55:03] Goals for mental health
“We’ve become over-reliant on pharmaceuticals for treating mental health issues and we underestimate the power of nutrition and lifestyle choices to build what you call our mental fitness.”
“Getting more avocados and lentils in your life, that is a heck of a lot and emotionally more straightforward than maybe unpacking and dealing with significant trauma that you’ve had.”
“Instead of saying no, what if you keep saying yes and challenging yourself to not just bigger and better things, but deeper, more purposeful, more connected, more engaged things?”